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Data Source: Dynamically-downscaled climate projections over Canadian Prairies (Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba) at a resolution of 25 km under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. PRECIS runs driven by HadGEM2-ES are conducted by Xiong Zhou.

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Copyright © 2016 - IEESC, University of Regina.
Please use the latest version of web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE, or Safari) to access this data portal.
Developed by Xander Wang.
Contact: ccdp@uregina.ca
About Us

Prairie Climate Change Data Portal (hereinafter, Prairie CCDP) provides technical and non-technical users with easy and intuitive access to the latest climate data in Canadian Prairies.

Data Source

The data presented in this portal is derived from the dynamically-downscaled climate projections over Canadian Prairies (Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba) at a resolution of 25 km under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. PRECIS runs driven by HadGEM2-ES are conducted by Xiong Zhou. Other RegCM, PRECIS and WRF runs driven by several GCMs will be released to the data portal shortly.


  • Zhou et al. (2018). "Hydrologic impacts of ensemble RCMs-projected climate changes in the Athabasca River Basin, Canada". Journal of Hydrometeorology, 19(12), 1953-1971. >> Download

  • Zhou et al. (2018). "A coupled dynamical-copula downscaling approach for temperature projections over the Canadian Prairies". Climate Dynamics, 51(7-8), 2413-2431. >> Download

  • Zhou, Xiong, et al. (2017). "Dynamically-downscaled temperature and precipitation changes over Saskatchewan using the PRECIS model". Climate Dynamics. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00382-017-3687-9 >> Download

  • Wang, Xiuquan, et al. (2016). "GIS-Based Data Portal for Climate Change Impact Assessment". Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97: 17-18. >> Download

  • Wang, Xiuquan, et al. (2015). "Ensemble projections of regional climatic changes over Ontario, Canada". Journal of Climate, 28: 7327-7346. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0185.1. >> Download

  • Wang, Xiuquan, et al. (2015). "Twenty-first century probabilistic projections of precipitation over Ontario, Canada through a regional climate model ensemble". Climate Dynamics. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00382-015-2816-6. >> Download

  • Wang, Xiuquan, et al. (2014). "High-resolution probabilistic projections of temperature changes over Ontario, Canada". Journal of Climate, 27, 5259–5284. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00717.1. >> Download

  • Wang, Xiuquan, et al. (2014). "High-resolution temperature and precipitation projections over Ontario, Canada: a coupled dynamical-statistical approach". Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/qj.2421. >> Download

  • Wang, Xiuquan, et al. (2014). "Projected increases in near-surface air temperature over Ontario, Canada: a regional climate modeling approach". Climate Dynamics. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00382-014-2387-y. >> Download

  • Wang, Xiuquan, et al. (2014). "Projected increases in intensity and frequency of rainfall extremes through a regional climate modeling approach". Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2014JD022564. >> Download

  • Wang, Xiuquan, et al. (2013). "A stepwise cluster analysis approach for downscaled climate projection–A Canadian case study". Environmental Modelling & Software, 49, 141-151. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2013.08.006. >> Download


When referring to the maps and data sets published on this data portal, the source must be clearly and prominently stated and cited. We recommend to use the citation for appropriate data in the manner below:


The maps and data sets published on Prairie CCDP are for non-commercial research and educational purposes only. If you are a commercial user, please contact us for further permission. This data portal is developed with care and believed to be reliable, but mechanical or human errors remain a possibility. Any commercial users or development practitioners should use the data sets and preliminary results on this data portal with caution. The IEESC accepts NO responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions in the data, nor for any loss or damage directly or indirectly caused to any person or body by reason of, or arising out of, any use of this data portal.

Is it free for downloading climate data from Prairie CCDP?
Yes, it is.
Why do I need to create an account before downloading climate data?
We are trying our best to make this data portal as useful as possible by clearly knowing who are the major users, what kind of data sets are of most interest, etc. We therefore ask you to create an account before downloading the data provided by Prairie CCDP. This is to help us carry out some helpful statistics and make appropriate improvements to the data portal. NOTE that once you have registered through one branch of CCDP, you will be automatically registered for all other branches and you will have free access to all branches of CCDP.
What is the baseline period?
The baseline period is 1986-2005 which is consistent with the IPCC AR5.
What is the spatial resolution of the data sets?
It is 25 km.
Why do you provide downscaled climate change scenarios only for a few driving models?
Our selection of the driving models (i.e., GCMs) is based on the data availability of each model and our current computing capacity. Downscaling of other models' results is now under way. We will publish them to Prairie CCDP once they are ready.
How many variables are included?
We currently provide four variables, as follows:
  • Mean temperature, unit: °C
  • Maximum temperature, unit: °C
  • Minimum temperature, unit: °C
  • Precipitation, unit: mm/day
How can I download the data file?
For temporally averaged data sets (i.e. annual, seasonal, and monthly), you can download one file including the data of all grid points by clicking on the "Download" button on the main Main Panel.

For daily timeseries data sets, you need to click on a specific grid point and find the download link to its data file in the pop-up window.

How is the data file named?
Generally, the data file will be zipped into a package and named as follows:


For example, the data file for annual mean temperature from 2070 to 2099 from RegCM driven by HadGEM2-ES model (for all grid cells) under RCP4.5 will be zipped into:


How can I obtain hourly time series data to drive impact models?
Currently, Prairie CCDP does not include hourly time series outputs from our RCM runs. If you really want to use them to drive your impact models, please submit a formal proposal including your name, address, affiliation, contacts, research purpose and data requirements, research area (with detailed coordinates) to Xander Wang at: xander.wang@ccdp.network. We will try our best to accommodate your data requirements.
Contact Us

Prairie CCDP is developed and maintained by Xiuquan (Xander) Wang in the School of Climate Change and Adaptation at the University of Prince Edward Island.

For any questions or comments, please contact: ccdp@uregina.ca.

Mailing Address:

        240, 2 Research Drive,
        IEESC, University of Regina
        Regina, Saskatchewan
        S4S 7H9, Canada
        Tel: (306) 337-3298

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By clicking on the above button, you agree to the terms below:
1) The maps and data sets publised in this data portal are for non-commercial purposes. Any commercial users should contact us for further permission.
2) We accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions in the data, nor for any loss or damage directly or indirectly caused to any person or body by reason of, or arising out of, any use of this data portal.
3) When your are referring to the maps and data sets published in this data portal, the source must be clearly and prominently stated and citated.